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Java Interview Questions And Answers

Let's discuss about most important java interview questions :

1) Explain about oops concepts?
2)Explain about memory management i.e. JVM ?
3) What are various modifiers in java ?
4) What is string in java ? Why this is immutable ?
5)What is difference between synchronized block or synchronized method ?
6)How one thread can take two object lock?
7)When we call wait method which class method is called .How its realses lock ?
8)What will happen if class is mutable and used as key in hashmap ?
9)why we create setter getter in pojo classes?
10)How will you design a class to use that class as key in hashmap ?
11)What is memory leak and write a program for memory leak ?
12)explain Hash code and equals method in detail?
13)How hash map work or explain hash map internal working ?


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